Our mission at the Empirical Strategies is to offer investors returns that are both superior and uncorrelated with the broader market, when adjusted for risk. Our investment philosophy is firmly rooted in empirical data and real-world evidence.
While we acknowledge that financial markets tend to be efficient in the long term, our conviction lies in the identification of exploitable opportunities in the short term. These transient inefficiencies can be windows for outperformance if approached correctly.
We employ a systematic, evidence-based strategy to capitalize on these opportunities. By diligently sifting through vast amounts of data, we can discern patterns and trends that offer us a statistical edge. This data-driven approach allows us to make unbiased investment decisions that aim for consistently profitable outcomes.
Importantly, these opportunities are often bound by the scale at which capital can be effectively deployed. As such, we are committed to maintaining a lean and agile operation. By consciously limiting the size of our fund, we strive to ensure that our ability to move swiftly is never compromised.
Email: info@empstrat.com